We sold Shuttl
A little over a year ago
And predictably enough
I started investing in startups
But I struggled
Some background
I did (late-stage) investing for 5 years
Then worked in startups for 10 years
Founded a couple of startups
But I struggled
Pitched to 100+ investors
Raised more than $80 million
From the best in the business
In the pre ‘money-grows-on-trees’ era
But I struggled
Saw many startups built around me
By friends who became founders
By founders who became friends
Had countless “pivotal” discussions
With these fellow founders
I had all this context
But I struggled
To be precise
I struggled to invest in startups
Outside of my network
Felt ‘there should be an app for it’
Because investing in an asset class
Shouldn't be about the class or school
One went to or companies one worked at
Searched and found out that
Startup investment products are
Designed for those raising capital
Not for those looking to invest
So decided to build
That product, that app
That makes it easy to invest
In startups outside one's network
To serve all those who are
Deprived of this asset class